Monday, June 11, 2007

Mein Kampf

red glare

Oh, the struggle. Good versus evil, day versus night, interior versus exterior. It never ends.

As the season rolls on, we're finding new highs (and lows). We shot last week on Blue Mountain, a place I lived for a while, and the experience of being up there sent me into a slight flashback of life on the mountain: it takes an hour to get anywhere, and even then you're still nowhere. There are 2 general stores up there, and their merchandise is identical. It's desolate and shady and people who live there are hiding from something or trying to escape civilization for reasons that will remain unclear.

We spent day two on more even ground, back around my neighborhood where we created a rural Texas landscape, had a fun Harley scene and made a deserted building into a sketchy area for a drug deal.

The picture above is something I found on my run, and it haunted me until I went home, showered, got my camera and went back to find it. It's sad and beautiful, and I looked like a lunatic trying to photograph it, with my cheek pressed into the gravel as cars whizzed by. One person stopped to see if I was okay. I'm fine, but he's not.

1 comment:

Tater Tot said...

nice picture. poor bird.