Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Deep Scone Pact

If my body is a planet, scones are the comets hurling through space on a path to destroy it. Let's consider the scone's component parts, shall we? It's flour, which my body reacts to by building fat around the midsection, butter, yum heart-y goodness, sugar- the white stuff, and salt. No salt related maladies, except it raises blood pressure.

Not as bad as, say, a frosted cupcake, right? Sure, but nobody is pedaling cupcakes as breakfast food, brunch fare, a substitute for lunch, and an after dinner treat.The phrase coffee and a scone are now starbucks tatooed onto the collective consciousness. Conjugate it with me: let's get a scone, you wanna scone? I need a scone.

Have an apple, for goodness sake. Stop it with the scones already. Unless there's some trace chopped fruit in there, especially apricot. Yum. Let's go get a scone.

+Late news: The MPU2 Drama team are producing and directing an action sequence for a
new show pilot, and confidence is high that it will be some of our finest work yet.. more as this develops. This shooting set will be a scone-free zone.

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