Saturday, May 19, 2007

Get high and stay high

photo by tara

Martin's a genius. So is Thomas. These two guys make me look good. For a camera department with no crane, no dolley, no steadi-rig of any kind and no gaffer, these guys manage to compose shots and find the light in places I could never imagine.

At the risk of jinxing, I feel like the drama team is hitting its stride. We're rapidly approaching our halfway point in episodes, and are cruising along pretty well. Few things rattle us now, despite some difficult conditions.

We're working with a lot of the actors we have collaborated with before, and fortunately, we are maintaining good relations with our locations, no small or simple feat given our compressed time frame and limited budget and staff.

I'm hoping to have a happy hour fiesta the week of episode seven, so forewarned is forearmed. Put on your waders and your fishnets and come prepared to chug some ice cold water, cuz up in the high altitudes where the air is thin, that's just how we roll...

(or booze it up, whatever)



Tater Tot said...

you're a nut. so where's the party? at your place or at Burbon?

eric said...

town hall baby