Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dying is Easy

Comedy is Hard.

The un intentionally funny is so much more humerous than the joke crafted for laughs. When I first saw the actor in today's scene, I was struck by how unlife-like his dental modifications appeared. He seemed to have phonic difficulties with it as well. But, as a crafty actor and cunning strategist, upon hearing that the character has a beard, he went home, applied his personal Henry V facial appliance and sent us a picture.

You gotta admire that. When I was trying to get hired on a movie, but had a scantlity thin resume, my then-girlfriend (now wife and mother of my children) baked a batch of her irresistible M&M chocolate chunk cookies. I felt a bit odd and frankly embarrassed to hand over my resume and a bag of cookies, but when I got hired, the coordinator said it was the cookies that got her attention.

This same stage-beard applying actor brings popcorn to the assistant of our company's president. Crazy? maybe. Odd, definitely. But he's working in today's scene, and he's on our lips and fingertips as the day unfolds...

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