Saturday, April 28, 2007

Gitmo nutty

At one point last week, one member of our team started looking like the internees at Guantanamo Bay: Eyes fixed and dilated, uncommunicative, prone to fits of laughter and sobbing which comingled into a lurching howl that hung in the air like a plaintive wail, echoing far into the night...

And that was just the actress.


To quote the Eagles, I'm losing all my highs and lows.

We really got banged up last week-physically, emotionally, spiritually. I sorta melted down at the weekly meeting (held at the arsenic hour of 4 PM Friday) acting alternately petulant, morose, annoyed, annoying, and hungry.

Where was the creative, funny, good natured guy we all love? He can't make it, so I'll be filling in for him.

There's always next week. After all, tomorrow is another day..