Monday, July 2, 2007

Veni vidi vici

dead  gummi
Okay, so the verdict is in, and if you know where to look, and/or have been following this monologue/thread, feel free to judge for yourself...

I'm going to leave that song playing- I like it. Usually I disable autoplay after a subsequent post, but it's a groove. Let's keep it on. It makes it harder to read...

So the re-shoot door has been opened- we've been asked to shoot additional scenes for episodes already completed. We're already doing one, the meth man gambit from an episode that rhymes with bitch-hole (can't be too careful, might be some dookie lurking around here).

You can hear the floodgates creaking: can we re-shoot a scene where a couple is arguing, and put them in winter wardrobe? (even though it's now July, and foliage will tell the viewer as much). In a paraphrase- we've discarded more footage than you'll ever need- you could make a movie out of stuff we've shot that's not being used...

It would be called True Crime, kinda like Pulp Fiction, the plot would be a girl goes missing, someone smokes on some steps, a fisherman spots a box, a bald guys throws it over a clift, a sexy girl gets in her car, a couple leaves a beautiful but creepy farmhouse and then...

Stay tuned..

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